Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Life Is Better For Teenagers Now Than It Has Ever Been Before
‘Life is better for teenagers now than it has ever been before.’ Do you agree? Introduction: How many times have you heard the terms ‘worst generation’, ‘kids these days’ or ‘back in my day’ used by the older groups? These are some derogatory terms used by older generations to describe the youths and younger generations of our world today. Many members of the older generation believe that teenagers today are juveniles and delinquents compared to teenagers in the past. Despite all this many youths believe that a teenager’s life now is better than it has ever been in the past. A few reasons below prove the case that life as a teenager now is better than ever. Body Paragraph 1: -education If you were to ask a teenager today why they believed lives of teenager now are better than back then most would think of one answer. Chances are, they would say that the education available to teenagers now is better than it was back in the late twentieth century. Many aspects of life have changed since the twentieth century, changing for the better. One of these aspects is in the form of the education offered. Schooling in the 1900s was very different to now, with corporal punishment being allowed in the 1900s. Corporal punishment was a form of punishment where deliberate pain or discomfort was caused to students usually by striking the students’ buttocks or hands with an implement that may have included a cane, paddle and yardstick as well as other weapons. From the start of theShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Social Media On Children1592 Words  | 7 PagesTeenagers now a days are involved in different activities rushed around every turn they go. Teens are so stretched ac ross everything; from sports, clubs, jobs, and volunteering. Teens are so stressed out that they stay up and feel that it’s necessary to act like adults because that’s what see in their house hold. Teenagers are even affected by their social media. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Essay on How the Failure of Reconstruction Impacted...
After a war that claimed the lives of more men than that of all other wars combined, much of the country was left in ruins, literally and figuratively. Dozens of towns in the South had been burned to the ground. Meanwhile, the relations between the North and South had crumbled to pieces. Something needed to be done so that the country could once again be the United States of America, not the Divided States of America. The years from 1865 to 1877 were a time of rebuilding – the broken communities and the broken relations. This time period was known as Reconstruction. Reconstruction was a failure on the basis that the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments that were passed should have given protection and freedom to the African†¦show more content†¦These rules closely resembled the rules of the plantation just a few years earlier during slavery. Although slavery was now technically illegal, the government never made any attempt to intercede and stop these practices that essentially put African Americans forever in debt and under the control of the whites. The 14th Amendment to the Constitution defined citizenship as anyone born in the U.S. or naturalized, thus giving citizenship to African Americans. Like the 13th amendment, the 14th was not enforced. Had this amendment had been enforced, as citizens of the United States the most basic rights of black people should have been protected, like any other citizen. However, they were continually marginalized. If a crime was committed against them, the legal system turned a blind eye. If they were in need, no one would offer a helping hand. The government largely funded public white schools, whereas African Americans had to raise much of their own funding for their schools. Although they raised a large sum of money, it was still insufficient to educate the millions of newly freed children and adults (Franklin 250). These are just a few examples of the inequality experienced by blacks. The Civil R ights Act of 1866 explicitly states that African Americans do have citizenship â€Å"regardless of raceShow MoreRelatedThe Legacy Of The Civil War Essay1593 Words  | 7 Pagespain. Veteran William Lloyd Garrison describes few of many changes that occurred after the Civil War, including the abolishment of slavery and the African American being granted for the first time in history the right to vote. As the civil war came to an end, the United States began to establish an undivided nation. This era known as the reconstruction era is described as â€Å"meaning literally the rebuilding of a shattered nation. (verterans of the civil movment, n.d.) 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Indias Socio Economic Scenario Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
string(90) " generative wellness attention services, peculiarly unwritten wellness attention service\." Equally far as India ‘s socio-economic scenario is concerned, four socio-economic scenarios were developed for India, in line with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change counsel, for usage with the clime scenarios and for input to the mold of clime impacts on different sectors ( International Institute for Population Sciences A ; ORC Macro 2001 ) . The socio-economic scenarios for India are consistent with national growing programs in the short and average term. Policy way and societal values are the two dimensions on which the socio-economic model of India is based on. We will write a custom essay sample on Indias Socio Economic Scenario Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now In which, policy orientation can be either inward looking or globally incorporate and societal values focus on either economic growing or environmental consciousness. Mahal, A. , J. Singh ( 2000 ) further explains it stating ‘the alternate waies along the policy axis correspond to India ‘s degree of integrating on planetary policy issues and models for back uping development. Quadrants I and II reflect a more inward-looking attack to planetary policies and pacts, coupled with bid and control-style policies for ordinance at a domestic degree. Quadrants III and IV reflect stronger integrating with the planetary community, and a displacement towards market-based mechanisms as a footing for ordinance and economic growing. The societal values axis reflects the scope of possibilities from a pure focal point on economic growing, to emphasis on environmental and societal protection. Quadrants I and III correspond to activities that promote economic and industrial development, al ong with stronger engagement by the private sector in traditionally public sector activities. Quadrants II and IV, by contrast, reflect societal values that place a higher concern for societal and environmental issues above economic growing ‘ . However, S.C. Tiwari, Aditya Kumar and Ambrish Kumar ( 2004 ) stated that the normally used available graduated tables for measuring of socio-economic position ( SES ) with some cross regional pertinence are old and have lost their relevancy. There is a demand for the development of a valid and dependable instrument for measuring of SES in rural and urban communities in India. On appropriate and executable steps, the socio-economic position is assessed on the inactive and dynamic status of physical infrastructure- by the Numberss of paramedical, technician and medical staff employed, every bit good as figures for attending and gender dislocation ; by the supply, quality and scope of drugs ; by handiness and use of decentralized unfastened and care support of centres ; and by existent handiness of research lab, diagnostic and service facilities- in relation to the patient satisfaction ( Kaveri Gill 2009 ) . In Indian conditions the rural wellness attention has been put steadfastly on the docket and is on the right path with the institutional alterations it has wrought within the wellness system. Health is a cosmopolitan human demand for all cultural groups. General wellness can non be attained or maintained without unwritten wellness. The oral cavity is regarded as the mirror of the organic structure and the gate manner of good wellness ( Navneet Grewal and Manpreeth Kaur 2007 ) . The influences of the urbanisation and the modern nutrient wonts have surely made the Indian population at par with the universe population, but still Mayer. MP, De Paiva Buishchi and Oliveira LB ( 2003 ) claimed that the unwritten hygienic patterns of the Indian Population have non changed much with the altering times and tendencies. Where as, the universe population is more cognizant of the regular visit to the tooth doctor, chiefly, because it was initiated by the parents of the kids or, even by, the tooth doctors themselves. Such an from the portion of the parents is losing among the people of India, and a thought arousing action from the dental practicians or professionals is yet to take topog raphic point. Oral wellness position in India is traditionally evaluated utilizing clinical indices. There is turning involvement to cognize how subjective steps relate to results of unwritten wellness ( Jamil David, Anne M Astrome and Nina J Wang 2006 ) . Several subjective unwritten wellness indexs have been developed to measure functional, societal and psychological unwritten wellness results runing from individual point planetary indexs, such as satisfaction with unwritten wellness and satisfaction with visual aspect of dentitions, to complex stock lists and hiting systems ( Skaret E, Astrom AN and Haugejorden O 2004 ) . In the societal conditions of India minimal significance is given to the visual aspect factor in the rural conservative communities. Even so, since long clip, assorted types of unwritten wellness care stuffs have been used and infinite Numberss of dental wellness information plans have been conducted in schools and other scenes ( Kagami. N, Maki. Y and Takaesu. Y 1997 ) . Here Kagami. et. Al is speaking about a universe phenomena that has been progressively found in the universe population. This is where in footings of unwritten wellness wonts and modus operandis Indian mass should hold taken much involvement in at that place bettering socio economic position. The importance of measuring the socio economic position was put away by Whiteside, K. and Woolcock, M. ( 2004 ) , stating, ‘Socio-economic position is one of the most of import variables in societal scientific discipline studies/researches. It plays a important function in planning and executing of developmental plans and, hence, there is a demand for the development of a valid and dependable instrument for the measuring of SES. Socio-economic position of a household would intend the ranking of the household in the surroundings to which the household belongs, in regard of defined variables namely, physical assets, economic position, instruction, business, societal place, societal engagement, caste, musculus power, political influence, etc. Some elements of the above variables have a inclination to travel together ‘ . Socio economic inequalities in the usage of unwritten wellness attention services in India India is the 2nd largest thickly settled state in the universe, with a population of more than one billion in 2001. Socioeconomic, demographic and wellness indexs are demoing a really hapless status of the general population. It has been observed that people of lower socioeconomic position frequently do non avail the bing generative wellness attention services, peculiarly unwritten wellness attention service. You read "Indias Socio Economic Scenario Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples" Both socioeconomic and demographic factors, nevertheless, have been shown to hold a peculiarly great influence on usage of wellness attention services ( Bhatia J and Cleland J. 1995 ) . Higher instruction degrees influence the usage of wellness services in many ways such as regular visit to the tooth doctor and so on, among the urban population of the society. Even so merely like in many southeasterly civilizations the ( Goodburn EA, Gazi R, A ; Chowdhury M. 1995 ) the usage of p reventative wellness services even in the field of unwritten wellness service is perceived to be bing entirely on healing intents ( Poula G A ; Stephenson R. 2001 ) . Measuring the socio economic position in relation to unwritten wellness factors is, in fact, a hunt from general wellness to wellbeing. Equally far as the assorted civilizations of India is concerned the unwritten wellness factor of Indian population include three major facets Such as: A ) Health System and Oral wellness services B ) Socio-economic and cultural hazard factors C ) Environmental hazard factors. It is of import to retrieve the fact that Indian community has been loosely divided into tribal, rural and urban societies ( Dr. Judith Macky and Dr. Michel Eriksen 1995 ) . The folk in India live in pronounced isolation. They have really typical civilization rites and accustomed hygienic activities and wellness attention. They are evidently considered to be socio-economically backward in many steps in the modern-day universe. The rural societies are village societies which are in fact based on agricultural economic system and are still really conservative to the past traditions . And the urban society is based on non-agricultural businesss such as industries, IT and so on. However the interaction between the different groups of the society to certain degree is made possible through many authorities organisational plans ( Lal S, Singh BM A ; Punia MS.1997 ) . Traveling about with the intent of developing a dependable and valid instrument for mensurating the socio-economic position one has to get down the exercising of grouping the items/elements together with the aid of available experts ( Oral wellness workers and tooth doctors ) every bit good as available standard socio-economic position appraisal graduated tables. Socio-economic position of a household would intend the ranking of the household in the surroundings to which the household belongs, in regard of defined variables such as physical assets, economic position, instruction, business, societal place, societal engagement, caste, musculus power, political influence and so on. ‘Some elements of the above variables have a inclination to travel together ‘ ( Shirpurkar GRI. 1967 ) . Formulation of appraisal methods At initial phase, some known indexs of socio-economic position such as house, material ownership, instruction, business, income, land, caste and societal engagement were listed. The prepared list of socio-economic position indexs would be submitted to experts to analyse and notice on the relevance of those indexs in the present context ( Srivastava GP. 1978 ) . Then a profile should be geared up out of the elements approved by the expert, look intoing along with another factors in the profile is the unwritten wellness attention necks and plans with their scope of influence and credence by/in different communities and societies among the population. Therefore, the first bill of exchange will hold seven to eight profiles make up one’s minding the socio-economic position. These profiles will be house profile, material ownership profile, instruction profile, business profile, economic profile, cultivated land profile, and societal profile and wellness attention service profile. Th e last profile can be divided into preventative and curableness steps. The disposal of these bill of exchanges among the people will give an accurate appraisal of the socio-economic position. After the disposal and re-administration the bill of exchanges needs to be send to the experts for the concluding analysis. Addressing the Validity of methods at big and among Indian Population The graduated tables of measuring socio-economic position in every community are prone to alter due to the dynamism of human being. Most of the bing graduated tables seem to hold lost this ability to spot right indices are still in usage. The indicant here is mensurating the socio economic position harmonizing to the wellness and wellness attention issues of an person or a household. The chief short coming seems to be the perceptual experience of goodness and satisfaction people have about the wellness and wellness satisfaction is changed with clip and the methods need to be upgraded consequently. It is, hence, necessary that necessary inventiveness is brought to bear to develop appropriate graduated table for the measuring of socio-economic position ( Depleuch, F. , A. Cornu, P. Massamba, P. Trissac and B. Marie. 2002 ) Equally far as India is concerned most of import resource of the state is its 1027 million population ( 2001 nose count ) , distributed in 28 States, 7 Union Territories, 5564, tehsils/talukas, 640,000 small towns and 5161 towns and metropoliss ( Ashish Bose. 2001 ) . Oral wellness attention of necessity has to be delivered through primary wellness attention substructure, because of limited resources and manpower of tooth doctors. More than 70 % of the population is rural and merely about 30 % lives in urban countries of which more than half lives in slums. ‘Tertiary degree infirmaries, territory infirmaries, nursing places, private practicians and non governmental organisations provide wellness services. Besides these, municipal corporations besides provide services ; nevertheless, these services are ill organized. Urban ICDS undertakings provide services on geographical footing. Health policy 2002 envisages beef uping of urban wellness services. RCH urban undertakings have be en launched to increase the coverage of wellness services for vulnerable. Variable dental wellness services in urban countries are available-through public and private set up ‘ . ( Dr. Hari Parkash and Dr. Naseem Ahmed. 2001 ) . There is an pressing demand for an Oral Health Policy for the state as an built-in portion of the National Health Policy. The Indian diary of community medical specialty 2004 has proposed an Oral Health Care Program, which envisages three tined execution schemes of ; Oral Health Education, Preventive Program and Curative Service Program at assorted degrees of primary, secondary and third wellness attention bringing services. Oral wellness has been recognized as an built-in portion of general wellness. What people do with their lives and those of their kids affects their wellness, including unwritten wellness, far more than anything that authoritiess do. But what they can make is determined by their income and cognition based on their socio-economic pos ition. Over the old ages grounds based â€Å" Information †on unwritten wellness has accumulated in the state but this is mostly confined to dental clinics, infirmaries and a few schools. The challenge is to set the available information into pattern at every home/family and community. It is the information which can promote/improve the unwritten wellness of 1000000s of immature kids, school kids, striplings and grownups as besides pregnant adult females and aged people, provided it gets communicated. Therefore, the biggest challenge before us is to accept the challenge of communicating of â€Å" facts for unwritten wellness †to all ; in rural, urban and tribal and distant countries. ‘Hygiene is embedded in Indian civilization and it is the manner of life. Let us advance autochthonal clip tested patterns, of rinsing oral cavity with apparent H2O after each repast, rub downing gums and dentitions and cleaning oral cavity with finger after each repast, advancing traditional diets, brushing of dentitions, avoiding smoke, masticating pans and baccy in assorted signifiers ‘ ( Bali RK, Mathur VB, Tewari A and Jayna P. 1994 ) . Much will depend upon local attempts, as to how the instructors are trained and what responsibilities they take up on regular and sustained footing? Students follow what the instructors do and state and the instructors are considered as good function theoretical accounts to convey values of life and ways of life in the school as besides outside the school. Regularly one hr is devoted in each school for socially utile and productive work and that hr can be used for larning right brushing technique and rinsing the unwritten pit with safe H2O, as besides rinsing of custodies and film editing of nails. In our experience, whenever instructors brushed their dentitions, pupils followed and it became a everyday exercising of day-to-day brushing of dentitions in guided mode. Determining ways of life and personality developme nt of school kids during simple instruction is the cardinal duty of school instructors and parents as besides the community. Mid twenty-four hours meal plan activities can be used as spring board to develop other behaviours such as lavation of custodies and rinse of unwritten pit after each repast, eating balanced diets, imbibing clean H2O and eating clean nutrient. School kids can be used as embassadors of wellness messages to their places and vicinity and can move as alteration agents. Child to child plan in the school or out of school is yet another attack to construct healthy life manners. Whatever chapters are contained in the school course of study these need to be translated into seeable actions through unrecorded presentation. Students need to be demonstrated rinsing and oral cavity wash after repast, demo them the content of oral cavity wash and allow them respond and take part in treatment and range to decision ( Gupta SC A ; Kapoor VK. 2002 ) . How to cite Indias Socio Economic Scenario Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Organization Driving Positive Social Change -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Organization Driving Positive Social Change? Answer: Introduction The term change management refers to the collective term for all the different approaches that leads to the preparation and support for the individuals, organizations and teams to make the change in the organization. This can be done by the use of different methods that helps to redefine and redirect the process through which the resources in an organization are used, the process of budget allocation, the other modes of operation that significantly change the company or the organization. The main objective of the change is to derive positive results from any such change that can help improve the performance of the organization. Change can either be positive or negative depending on the change management strategies of the organization. The following essay is based on the study of the change management process considering the case of Woolworths Supermarket in Australia. The investigator has tried to highlight the necessary elements that lead to the change management process. Woolworths Supermarket is an Australian Supermarket chain owned by Woolworths Limited. It was founded in the year 1924 and has its headquarters in Bella Vista town of Australia (www.woolworths.com.au). The company along with its rivals Coles Supermarket accounts for nearly 80% of the total market share. Apart from specializing in groceries it also sells different products ranging from books and DVDs to other beauty and Household products. The retail sector in Australia has employed a lot many people in the country than in any other sectors. The fall in the market share of the company due to lack of a proper vision has made it fall apart from the other competitors in the market. The inability of the mentioned company to satisfy the customers, loss of faith from the products of the organization and some other similar issues have forced the management of the mentioned company to formulate strategies in order to effect a necessary change. Identification and Discussion There are some major issues that make the employees of the organization resistant to changes. Some of them are as follows; Loss of Job- Fear of losing the job is one of the major reasons behind the resistance of the employees to initiate the change management process. The change management process in an organization will generally involve the technological advancement, product change involving smart work, reduction in the cost, fast turnaround times and many other different changes (Appelbaum, 2015). The following means the change will be severely opposed as because it may lead to the reduction or elimination of a certain post or role of an employee. Fear of the Unknown- Fear and panic from unknown changes is another key cause for the employees resistance to change in the organization. The employees may feel the need for holding to the past because they might consider it to be much better and secured than the present situation. This makes them more fearful and diminishes their self confidence. The fear increases when the organization is not sure about the possible impacts of the changes thus leading to strong resistance from the employees. Irrelevant Communication Strategy- The irrelevant communication strategy of the organization is one of the major reasons that lead to the resistance to the change. It is important for the management of the business organization to communicate the changes to be made in the organization to the people of the organization in a proper, efficient and transparent manner (Appelbaum, 2015)(Cameron, 2015). The proper communication helps the employees to be well aware of the changes but the absence of an effective communication leads to a confusion among the employees and they are most likely to resist the change to be undertaken by the organization. Lack of Competence- The employees of an organization might feel the upcoming development process can create problems for them as they might not be able to cope up with the new change. The following fear may come up in the mind as because they are hesitant to accept the new changes or shift into a new routine. Such fears leads to strong resistance. Resistance to change is one of the main problems considered by the managers that may stall the process of development. Woolworths being a large organization also faces similar changes that makes life difficult for the organization and stalls the change that may be undertaken. There are three most critical strategic problems that Woolworths faces. They are, Resistance to reality main - The management of Woolworths faces such problems when the strategy of the management ignores the external reality that they the least control. Some of the main external factors that experiences normal changes are technology, business models, strategies on a certain product, standards, customer choices and many more as such (Cameron, 2015). Woolworths faced a huge challenge at the time of the introduction of the CDs and DVDs as the market opposed the new development in the absence of proper infrastructure to run these products and had the choice for floppy disks and cassettes that had much lower space but ideal installations to run on. Systematic Resistance to Change-The following resistance occurs when a global economyy or the combination of different firms altogether fails to change the response to the threat of the system. It is one of the biggest problems to change as it involves a large space and has a large area to be covered in a single go. Resistance to organizational Change- The resistance to the strategies put forward by the executive management is opposed by the employees of the organization. The main problem that lies within such a resistance is the inability of the employees to accept the new cultural or organizational change. The managers of the organization must conduct meetings and make the employees understand about the projected changes. According to (Cameron, 2015) power is one of the most central aspects of both the social sciences in general and organizational and management theory in particular. Power acts as the most influential part of the social living that takes into consideration the different groups and individuals within the workplace. Power can be considered to be a mere subordinate to organization based social phenomenon. The secondary role of power has been relegated by organizational research leads to a serious shortcoming in the way in which it is conceptualized in organizational and management studies. On the other hand (Deneen, 2014) has stated that during the time of the implementation of change is to make sure to derive a power driven resistance to change as it will have a negative effect on the initiative to change. The managers of Woolworths who fears the loss of power are usually the ones who have a large influence and can interrupt the preparation of a proper management plan.(Cummings, 2014) According to Management of power driven resistance to change requires a proper strategy and a proper understanding of the different stakeholders. Therefore it is better to learning about the influence of the stakeholders and the amount of impact upon the employees of the organization. Therefore (Cummings, 2014) has stated that the success of the change will be highlighted in the organization only when the management implements a proper strategy that identifies the possible amount of resistance that they might face in the context of the change management. Key Ethical Issues Change is inevitable in any organization and it generally arises from the need to improve the allocation of the different resources, bringing a change in the technology, changing the budget of the organization and bring some other notable changes in the organization to make it much more efficient and profitable. The change agent must challenge the present situation and totally bring a change in the status quo by bringing an altogether different perspective to the organizational environment (Doppelt, 2017). A number of different ethical issues arise when the change management takes place within the organization. There are cases when the information collected by the change agents is not aligned with the executive management agenda, the results can get manipulated. The manipulation of the data can point fingers towards the low level employees of the organization and will result in their expulsion. The executive management of the organization decides all the policies related to the chang e and thus they have all the discretionary powers that lead to the change. Therefore there is a chance that change is determined by the power perceptions. This may lead to intentional misstatement of information. There are also cases when the management of the company may highlight the change management process to be a form of more employee engagement within the organizational matters of the company whereas the actual intent behind the change process is to diminish the engagement of the employees within the organization or reducing the employee strength (Hayes, 2017). The management in such cases generally cites reasons like the absence of proper technological knowledge, inability to adapt to changing situations and many more as such. The management of Woolworths must make it a point to identify such different ethical issues and remove the barriers that may lead to resistance from the employees. The management of the mentioned super marketing chain has identified some of the most effective steps to implement and monitor the total process of change management. They are; Identification of the Actual Change- The main step to the beginning of the change management process lies in the clear identification of the particular change to be made within the organization. The management of Woolworths must make sure that they make each and every employee who will be affected by the change (Hon A. H., 2014). The management must define the need for the change and how it will benefit the employees. Presentation of a proper case- The presentation needs to be done in a proper way so that the employees can be made aware of the changes that have an impact upon them. The proper presentation also helps to avoid any form of resistance that would be otherwise harmful to the plan for the change. Creation of a roadmap- The formulation of a roadmap is utmost necessary for the organization to effect a positive change within the organization. The documented strategy for implementation of the change helps to identify the point from where the oorganizatio0n is starting and what are the steps to be taken for implementing the plan perfectly (Kuipers, 2014). Gathering proper information for efficient evaluation- The beginning of the implementation of the change management starts with the consideration of the benefits of gathering and analyzing the information to measure and monitor the progress of the organization. Some of the changes will be easier to measure than the others but it is utmost necessary for a clear report that facilitates better communication. Communication- Clear and effective communication is utmost important to the exercise of the change management process (Lozano, 2015). A proper change management plan depends on rock solid communication structure that not only does determine the plans for the change but also seeks to understand the needs for the particular change. Monitoring and managing risks- Monitoring and the management of the risks is one of the major areas that need to be highlighted by the organization (Botha, 2014). The management of the risks is utmost necessary for the organization as because it helps to identify and mitigate the risks that may occur during such a time. Resistance is a normal reaction to the change process but it can act as a serious threat to the success of the project. A proper anticipation and taking effective steps to curb the risks helps the organization to be successful in leading the change. Continuous Review and improvement of the processes- It is quite necessary for the organization to keep a constant watch on the change process from the beginning. The absence of a proper watch may lead to the failure of the change process and will lead to negative results. Proper Monitoring and review can help to identify the challenges, remove the barriers and meet the objectives of the change process roadmap (Stephan, 2016). Conclusion The following study has revealed the processes by which the organization undertakes the change management process and the different elements that are associated with the process of such a change in the organizational structure. Woolworths has made a huge change in the organizational structure in the last couple of years to cope up with the new challenges and the demands of the modern day customers. 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