Monday, August 24, 2020
True love free essay sample
Understudies, APA arranging isn't required, nonetheless, you are required to prove your reactions and opinionsâ with laws, cases, rules, codes, guidelines or whatever else that offers validity to your responses. Keep in mind, this is a lawful class. Likewise, make sure to state issues, incorporate realities, talk about the two sides of an issue, altogether break down each question in detail, and in conclusion, finish up, in light of your lawful discoveries and reason. You can have more than one end as long as you contend the two sides of an issue. You don’t need one outright end. The most significant thing in law would be your capacity to see the two sides, contend them, and present elective ends dependent on these components. CASE #1. Following two years of research and the speculation of impressive assets, Coast-to-Coast Company (CC) develops a new item that it expectations will deliver generous benefits. CC discovers that a contender, National Sales, Inc. , has made and started to sell an almost indistinguishable item. We will compose a custom article test on Genuine affection or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page CC gains from a dependable source that National paid a CC worker to acquire the designs for CCs item while it was being developed. What legitimate response does CC have against National? CASE #2. In 2002, Hawk Corporation starts making and selling electric cruisers under the imprint â€Å"Hawk. †Ten years after the fact, Hawk. com, Inc. , a differâ ent organization selling clinical hardware and supplies, starts to utilize â€Å"hawk†as a major aspect of its URL and registers it as a space name. Can Hawk Corporation stop Hawk. com’s utilization of â€Å"hawk†? Assuming this is the case, what should the bike creator appear?
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Home Work # 6 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Home Work # 6 - Assignment Example Subsequently, an economy experiences a quick recuperation period which is joined by mechanical progression. Assets are distributed towards the recreation of the harmed capital stock, for example, remote guide and human capital. In the short run the total yield will develop at a higher rate than the development pace of the work power because of the expanded reserve funds and remote guide which pushes the recuperation of the capital development rate back to ordinary. d) After world war two, the genuine GDP in Germany and Japan became consistently because of the time of innovative progression and recreation. During the recuperation time frame, the innovation in these nations developed at a quicker rate prompting the quicker development of viable work which is converted into their genuine GDP. 6. With the ascent in devaluation, the harmony consistent state capital-work proportion an outcome, yield per specialist becomes lower and that prompts lower utilization of a similar laborer. This depends on the presumption that the capital-work proportion isn't exceptionally high in that an expansion in k can diminish utilization of the laborer. On the since a long time ago run, there are no impacts on the development pace of the all out capital stock. This is because of the way that, over the long haul, the capital stock ought to develop at a similar rate as the work rate development is and in this way the capital-work proportion stays consistent. 7a) The administration buys per specialist are demonstrated by IS at the inintial time, as the administration buys more, the IS bend movements to IS2 bend which goes up and further to one side of the bend. This shows the expansion in both the administration spending and furthermore the expansion in the loan cost of the administration income. b). on the off chance that the administration expands g, it will prompt decrease in the investment funds of the legislature and along these lines capital per specialist increments because of expanded reserve funds, yield per
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Do Positive Affirmations Really Work (+110 Powerful Examples)
Do Positive Affirmations Really Work (+110 Powerful Examples) Do you remember that Friends episode in which Chandler’s stop-smoking tape has the part in which it says ‘I’m a strong, confident woman’? Obviously, the gender confusion is here for the sake of comedic plot, but such positive affirmations in real life can help us boost our self-confidence.How often do you tell yourself that you’re a strong, confident person? It might sound a bit metaphysical, but your life will look the way you feel and, more importantly, how you talk about yourself.Here it’s time to separate your and self. When you’re uttering positive affirmations, you’re approaching yourself from outside, i.e. as if you’re someone else.The purpose of this text is to discuss positive affirmations to great detail, by providing numerous examples, as well as different points of view regarding this topic.1. THE DEFINITION OF POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONSMany people are struggling with negative thoughts when they need to show their abilities at work, at home, or in any other s ocial context.What’s more, these self-depreciating attitudes about oneself don’t demand a social situation. Sometimes you’ll be thinking that you can’t do anything right, without even having to be exposed to the eye of the public.The main problem for people who perceive themselves in an unpleasant way is that this approach often prevents them from achieving more than they’re doing at that moment.Positive affirmations are a great tactic to make gradual, yet constant progress in turning yourself into a positive person who doesn’t sabotage themselves.You can start by uttering simple supportive sentences to your inner self, such as ‘You can do it!’ or ‘Come on, pull yourself together!’, or anything similar that will boost your self-confidence. Writing down several positive affirmations and repeating them daily is a great beginning of a life-changing process that should make you attract only positive things.At this initial stage, you can listen to Louise Hay’s affir mations and try to use them in order to change the way you think about yourself. Her approach to positive affirmations helped many people with their negative attitudes. If you’re new to the idea of positive affirmations, you might think that all this sounds nice, but there can be a grain of skepticism when it comes to their practical use. Although you have the right to have a different opinion, trying to give them a chance would already be a sign that you’re climbing the ladder of open-mindedness.People who deal with a lot of negativity in their mind are more likely to discard new ideas than positive people or those who approach new concepts in a neutral way.By putting aside that bitter cynic inside you, you’re already going to prepare a funnel that will let some of these refreshing ideas into your mind.Displaying a cynical attitude in the social context is one of the most widespread ways to express dissatisfaction either with your own life or the people around you.In other wo rds, bitterness is expressed in order to tell others that you’re unhappy. This emotional pain that negative people are coping with feeds both generates negative thinking and leeches on it.Many of us have been through some tragic events or traumatic experiences. If not treated on time, such things can change your mind for good. The more vulnerable and isolated you feel, the more negativity you’re producing. As a result, most of the things you do are marked with the I-can’t-do-this attitude.The study ‘Effects of exercise and self-affirmation intervention after traumatic brain injury’, which researched the effects of physical exercise and a self-affirmation intervention on the people who have suffered a brain injury, shows that this combination has improved their physical and mental state.Positive affirmations can help you build a firewall against such a way of thinking and eventually erase it from your head.You can go through some healing positive affirmations for people who have experienced an emotional trauma on the Healing-Affirmations website and soothe the pain you’re feeling.2. WHO NEEDS POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONSClaiming that only the people who have experienced an emotional trauma can benefit from positive affirmations is clearly an understatement.People from all social groups and generations sometimes need a bit of self-boost, in order to improve their everyday lives or practical work performance.Unlike some rooted opinions, even successful people don’t always observe the world in a positive way.For example, the CEOs of large companies are under a tremendous amount of stress. Every day they’re making decisions that affect the lives of millions of people. Further, they’re required to achieve certain business results in order to keep their business rolling.Because of that, successful people don’t linger on negativity and self-pity even when they feel them.What they do instead is focus on positive thoughts and the solutions for their problem s.The article ’10 Ways Successful Leaders Think Differently’ on talks about the ways business leaders overcome difficulties. Among other things, they concentrate on the positive results of their efforts and teamwork to achieve their goals.As for teamwork, it’s also an efficient way to share both the stress and the responsibility and cope with them in a more convenient way. What’s more, in a well-organized team, people will support one another and heap praises when they achieve positive business results. Further, they’re here to comfort one another in case they don’t accomplish everything they planned. That’s why the family is the key team of every society and why companies organize their employees in teams.In the video below, you can listen to some affirmations for businesspeople and entrepreneurs that can help you alleviate the effects of stress and improve your decision-making process. Apart from business professionals, smart people often face some difficulti es untypical for every John and Jane Doe, as described in the article ’10 Problems Only Smart People Have (and How to Deal with Them Efficiently)’ on our blog.For instance, when you’re smart, you’re more likely to be well aware of all the things you don’t know.Knowing how much you still need to learn to reach perfection could have a negative effect in the way you think.This is even more obvious if you’re surrounded by people who don’t understand you. They could even think that you’re arrogant because you’re always trying to push the envelope and learn something new.A great example of such people are high school students, especially geeks and other similar kids who don’t fit into the frame proscribed by their peers.Apart from them, intelligent adult people can also experience some similarly uncomfortable situations at work or among their relatives.We’ve already mentioned the negative effects of emotional traumas. Divorced people make a large part of this group, especially women who stay alone with their children.All these people need positive affirmations, which is why many therapists pay special attention to their needs.In addition to being supported by professionals, these people will also appreciate the support and positive vibes from their close friends and relatives.By pointing to their positive personality traits and social skills, you’ll contribute to their own paradigm shift from negative thinking to positive affirmations.3. WHY WOULD AFFIRMATIONS WORK?Affirmations will work best when they’re conceptualized and structured.Of course, you can develop a more positive view of the world if you boost your confidence from time to time via affirmations.Nevertheless, this approach isn’t a system, but a set of randomly distributed affirmations. Sometimes they might work well, and on some other occasions, you’ll keep feeling in the same negative way.In order to make affirmations more efficient and beneficial for your life, it’s reco mmended that you create a system of affirmation distribution.Develop your system of affirmationsRoland Alexander, a Ph.D. in psychology, suggests that you start constructing this system by noting down the negative things you’ve heard about yourself from your family members and friends. At this point, it’s crucial not to judge the quality or validity of their remarks. The purpose of this process is to simply recognize the negative qualities noticed by several different people.According to Doctor Alexander, the next step is to write down a set of your positive qualities. Here you should be as honest to yourself as possible and include only those truly positive things about yourself. These will also be the first positive affirmations that you’re going to write and apply within this technique.What’s important to do next is to keep repeating the same set of affirmations three times a day. You can do it while you’re having a shower in the morning, during the lunch break or when you’re doing your evening walk. It’s also wise to write them down, so that you remember to utter all of them every time you’re doing your affirmation session.Doctor Alexander also suggests that you include a person who you trust into the affirmation process. This can be your partner, a friend or a coach. He or she will repeat your affirmations after you. That way, you’re not only going to work with your self, but you’ll be going through an external affirmation, as well. In case you don’t have such a person, talking to yourself in the mirror is a handy option.Also, you can learn more about these steps from Doctor Alexander’s article ‘5 Steps to Make Affirmations Work for You’ on Psychology Today.Changing the negative subconscious thoughtsAccording to the article ‘The Power of Affirmations’ regarding the functionality of affirmations on the Louise Hay websites, affirmations aren’t only autosuggestive techniques that have a current impact on our behavior and moo d. If applied regularly and properly, they’re the entrance to the subconscious part of your mind. We all have some deep-rooted beliefs about ourselves, the world around us, and our role in it. Most of them were formed when we were little children.Growing up and becoming an adult member of society requires filtering these attitudes and changing the ones that have a negative effect on our lives. The more innate negative thoughts and attitudes you replace with more positive ones, the more likely you are to take a better place in this world and society.By uttering affirmations, you’re telling yourself that you’re a valuable person who possesses certain qualities. The more positive affirmations you apply, the more self-confident you’ll feel.It’s also important to emphasize that negative statements work on the same principle. In other words, if you keep repeating negative and self-depreciating things, you’re going to intensify the negativity that you feel.4. PRACTICAL POSITIVE TAKEAWAYS FOR A BETTER LIVINGNow that we’ve explained what positive affirmations are and how they work, we’re moving to the peak of this article: 100 affirmations that will make you feel more positive and contented with yourself.They’re going to be organized in five different categories. That way, it will be easier for our readers to find the ones that can help them in their transformation from a negative to a positive person.Love affirmations1. I am a beautiful person. 2. I am able to love. 3. I deserve to love and be loved. 4. I love my personality. 5. I love my body. 6. I don’t need perfection for beautiful love. 7. I appreciate myself. 8. I am able to love unconditionally. 9. I deserve unconditioned love. 10. I am in love with my mind. 11. My self is worth being loved. 12. I accept and love all my personality traits. 13. I believe in myself and in other people’s love. 14. When I am positive about love, others follow suit. 15. My high self-confidence attracts positive emotions. 16. I will talk positively about my feelings in front of others. 17. I am in love with falling in love. 18. When someone tells me they love me, I politely accept the compliment. 19. Sharing love makes this feeling grow without limits. 20. I believe in honest, pure love between two people.Business/career affirmations21. Every problem has a solution. 22. Think divergently if you want to solve a problem. 23. I accept new challenges. 24. I deserve to live a dignified life. 25. My boss needs to appreciate me for my achievements. 26. I don’t accept promotions based on personal sympathy. 27. I want to learn from successful people. 28. I appreciate every business success I make. 29. I thank God for the good decisions I make. 30. I follow my guts when there’s no rational solution to a problem. 31. I always take the responsibility for my decisions. 32. I share my success with my employees and partners. 33. I never make decisions that aren’t in line with my agenda. 34. My succe ss inspires me and moves me forward. 35. A failure isn’t a reason to fall into despair. 36. If I don’t succeed, I’m going to work harder to make it better next time. 37. I always expect to successfully manage my business tasks. 38. I am open-minded and flexible with my business collaborators. 39. I love to leave my comfort zone and start something challenging from scratch. 40. I don’t work only for money, but it only comes as a reward for my effort.Family affirmations41. I feel unconditioned love for my children. 42. I am always here for my family. 43. My partner is my friend, my lover, and my support. 44. I don’t share my personal traumas with my children. 45. I always support my children’s dreams. 46. My family members know that they can rely on me. 47. I always express compassion to my children. 48. I tell my children that I love them every day. 49. I set a positive example for my family members. 50. My family comes before any other duties or people. 51. I encourage o pen communication about everything in my family. 52. I show my children that the beauty of life is in small things. 53. My children are clever, independent, and curious. 54. I don’t impose my ambitions to my children. 55. I spend quality time with my family. 56. I am always planning new experiences for my children. 57. I like to have lunch and dinner with my family whenever it’s possible. 58. I encourage my children to speak their minds during family hangouts. 59. My family and I laugh a lot. 60. I want my children to become open-minded and warm people. 61. I help my children with their problems in school.Social affirmations62. I like to listen to other people and hear about their experiences. 63. I want to make new friendships. 64. I enjoy spending time outdoors. 65. I like going to the movies and theater. 66. I am calm when in the company of other people. 67. I am a self-confident, social person. 68. I always speak in a clear and polite way. 69. My jokes are here to entertain, not to insult. 70. I can cope with harsh humor in social situations. 71. I am patient when I’m waiting in line. 72. People appreciate my communication skills. 73. I keep the eye contact when I talk to other people. 74. I can deal with complex social situations. 75. I feel good when I’m having coffee with my friends. 76. I like to take part in discussions with other people. 77. I support my claims with facts. 78. I learn new social skills through communication with others. 79. I feel relaxed at parties. 80. I enjoy meeting new people. 81. I remember the faces and names of the people I meet. 82. Socializing is beautiful.Anxiety affirmations83. I am a brave person. 84. I like accepting new challenges. 85. There’s a solution to every problem. 86. I can deal with every difficulty. 87. I can remove every obstacle. 88. I am able to put my fears aside. 89. My self-esteem grows as I remove negative thoughts. 90. I let my dreams trample down my fears. 91. My courage feeds on my bold be havior. 92. I can solve every problem with powerful and focused thinking. 93. I control my fears. 94. If I feel anxious, I take a few deep breaths to clear my mind. 95. When I feel fear, I react in a positive and affirmative way. 96. I am a decisive person who takes the initiative. 97. I know that fears are a normal thing that I can cope with. 98. I want to turn my fears into my advantage. 99. Learning about myself from difficulties makes me a better person. 100. I have enough courage to resolve any problem.Bonus affirmations from successful peopleIn addition to these core 100 affirmations, we’ve also prepared the additional list of ten affirmations used by successful people in dealing with their daily challenges.101. I talk when I want to share something useful. 102. Listening to other people will pay off one day. 103. I believe in my decisions and plans. 104. I will use a defeat to learn my lesson. 105. I appreciate every little success I make. 106. I always move forward, rather than rest on laurels. 107. I do everything I can right now. 108. I will take the plunge into the unknown. 109. I will help the deprived. 110. I will make a difference in my life.5. WHY AFFIRMATIONS MIGHT NOT WORK?Some positive effects of positive affirmations have been scientifically proven, as shown in this article.Nevertheless, some others are believed to be helpful, but without a scientific confirmation. Many people have reported that positive affirmations have helped them deal with their negative thoughts, but these are subjective impressions.Naturally, because of their ambiguous nature, affirmations are sometimes rejected by some ordinary people and psychologists.For instance, some experts claim that not letting the negative thoughts you feel out could result in ever lower self-esteem and worse mood. If you’re feeling down, but you’re trying to cover this heap of bad thoughts with positive illusions, it won’t solve your problems.What’s more, repeating that you’re a l oved and important person when you don’t believe in what you’re saying could lead to a confusion in your head.That’s why Carmen Isa is in her article ‘Why Positive Affirmations Don’t Work’, in Huffington Post suggests that you should first let off some steam and negative thoughts before you start applying positive affirmations in your life.Likewise, Josh Steimle claims that saying positive affirmations without honestly believing in your own words leads to further deception. If you’re aware that you’re lying to yourself, you can’t expect that your negative thoughts will simply vanish.CONCLUSIONWe need to accept that it’s completely natural that we sometimes feel negative emotions. Still, if your everyday life is flooded with negative thoughts and comments about yourself, it’s time to make a change.Moving to the positive pole of your mind is a must if you want to become a more confident and successful person. Repeating some impactful positive affirmations day aft er day is one of the ways to transform your negative mind into a positive one.But it takes some time to get to know yourself and your expectations in order to find the right set of affirmations. You can do that on your own, which is where this article will be more than useful.As an addition or alternative, you can work on your positive affirmations with professionals, but always be careful and collaborate only with certified and experienced psychologists and life coaches.
Friday, May 22, 2020
I Am A Sign Of Bipolar Disorder - 2137 Words
A shift in mood can be a detrimental occurrence for someone. Sometimes they don’t even understand why or how to control it. Mood swings, shifting from a manic state to a depressive state, is considered to be a sign of Bipolar Disorder 1. Bipolar disorder 1 is the tendency of manic episodes to alternate with major depressive episodes in an unending roller coaster ride from peaks of elation to the depths of despair (Barlow; Durand, 2015). It affects people s moods, energy and ability to think clearly, negatively hindering that persons relationship with their peers, ability to work, get an education, and function normally with a balanced mood (Bipolar Disorder,n.d). Bradley Cooper plays a middle-aged man, Patrick Solitano, who suffers from Bipolar Disorder in the movieSilver Linings Playbook. Pat went through many obstacles after a trigger set him off into a rage that landed him at a mental institution for eight months. He spent his life thinking that he just has a short fuse lik e his father, but later into his adulthood he was diagnosed as an undiagnosed Bipolar until later events recognized his disorder as Bipolar Disorder 1. Pat’s life events that occur throughout the movie highlight how severe and dramatizing the disorder can be when unrecognized. In the film, Pats ending may have been a happy one, but for most Bipolar Disorder patients, it is a stressful long-term illness that is extremely difficult to correct. Part A: Bipolar Disorder 1 symptoms can be recognizedShow MoreRelatedBipolar Disorder And Its Stages1296 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Do you know what Bipolar Disorder is and its stages? Do you know who Bipolar Disorder affects and what causes the disorder to form? Do you know the symptoms and treatments individuals with this disorder can use? First, I will be discussing what Bipolar Disorder is and its stages. Next, I will be discussing the cause and who Bipolar Disorder affects. Finally, I will be discussing the various signs and symptoms to diagnose individuals with Bipolar Disorder and the treatment options thatRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder1397 Words  | 6 Pagestime. Bipolar disorder has two moods, the manic phase, and the depressive phase. It is a brain disorder where you never know which one is going to show up for and other people will deal with for the day, or maybe even weeks. Bipolar disorder is a serious condition that can be harmful to the person who is dealing with the brain disorder but as well as, those people who are involved in the person’s life. It is very hard to diagnose someone with a bipolar disorder, but what is bipolar disorder? â€Å"BipolarRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder1472 Words  | 6 Pagestime. Bipolar disorder has two different moods, the manic phase and the depressive phase. It is a brain disorder where you never know which one is going to show up for other people to deal with for the day, or maybe even weeks. Bipolar is a serious condition that can be harmful to the person who is dealing with the brain disorder, but as well as, for those people who are involved in the person’s life. It is very hard to diagnose someone with a bipolar, but what is a bipolar disorder? â€Å"Bipolar disorderRead MoreBipolar Disorder : Bipolar And Depression1461 Words  | 6 PagesIn general, having Bipolar Disorder is like living at your best and you are worst and having no control over it. People may refer to bipolar are manic depressive disorder, this is due to for the individuals having periods of mania, and periods of depression. Bipolar is derived from having two moods, hence mania and depression. Mania is a period of energy, individuals will feel energized, on top of the world and may even experience sleep deprivation. 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(Cite) I chose this disorder as the topicRead MoreThe Effects Of Bipolar Disorder On Adolescents1275 Words  | 6 Pagesthat these signs and symptoms, when more prominent, disruptive, and longer-lasting, can be indications of bipolar disorder. This may come as a surprise to many, as bipolar disorder has often been thought of as a condition that affects adults. This neurobiological disorder severely affects approximately 5.5 million Americans age 18 or older, or 2.6% of the adult population. An estimated 51% of individuals with this condition are untreated in any given year. On the contrary, bipolar disorder also affectsRead MoreBipolar Disorder : A Diagnosis On The Rise1720 Words  | 7 PagesAutumn Leja December 8, 2014 Essay 3 Bipolar Disorder: a Diagnosis on the Rise            Before researching this topic, I used to think that Bipolar Disorder was a very rare mental illness and in most cases, a misdiagnoses. There are many misconceptions about Bipolar Disorder and mental illness as a whole. Bipolar Disorder has become an epidemic in America and affects nearly everyone in some way. The term Bipolar is increasingly being misused to describe someone having a bad day or being excessivelyRead MoreAnalysis Of Bipolar Disorder In The Fall Of The House Of Usher1536 Words  | 7 Pagesduring the 1800s, have suffered from psychological disorders including bipolar disorder. Edgar Allan Poe was one of many who were diagnosed with this disorder, and it is prevalent in many of his works. The Fall of the House of Usher by Poe clearly depicts the symptoms of bipolar disorder, and he translates his feelings on the topic as well. Through the use of Roderick Usher and his sister, Madeline, Poe depicts the transference of bipol ar disorder within a family, and more specifically with twins
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Goods Services - 1178 Words
Homework #2: Goods, Services, and Operations Management Written By: Tamara Ellis Prof. Samuel A. Garwon MGMT 480 – 002 March 6, 2013 1. Explain why a bank teller, nurse, or flight attendant must have service management skills. How do the required skills differ for someone working in a factory? What are the implications for hiring criteria and training? Service-providers need technical/operations skills plus human interaction and marketing skills. A bank teller, for example, must be able to complete many types of financial transactions and operate the computer and associated software. The teller must also interact with the customer in a pleasant way, be in a location convenient to customers and market other financial services†¦show more content†¦She tells us to wait for our number to be called. After 30 minutes of waiting, our number had still not been called, and the last number called was 36 (6 people ahead of us). She had now exceeded the approximately waiting time and had not given us an update since, I once again asked the waiting time and she then said 15 to 20 minutes. This was an outrage to my family and me because that would make it a total of about an hour before we would be seated and this was far more than we originally anticipated. We explained to the hostess that if we had known it would be an approximately a n hour wait from the beginning we could have possibly made other arrangements to another restaurant. I believe the organization could have handled this much better by: having an accurate approx. waiting time, better customer service, upgraded technology, active managers, and ample amount of busboys and waiter/waitress for their busy nights. In this particular situation, operations management would have helped by forecasting: considering the time and day of operation, and setting forth plans for either a busy or slow day. Using supply chain management: by calling enough workers in to work. Technology Selection: by investing in a screen-touch seating application and/or waiting devices that ring or vibrate the time of their seating. Also by determining the best employees for each position and providing the best types of customer’s needs. 5. Interview a working friend or familyShow MoreRelatedThe Price Of Goods And Services935 Words  | 4 PagesThe way companies price their goods and services depends heavily on many different factors. Throughout human history, goods and servi ces have always had intrinsic value to people, and in our day and age this is no different. Shopping, however, has changed quite a bit due to many different reasons. Prices of goods and services are now changed by companies based on psychology, supply and demand, and government influences to adapt themselves to the modern world. 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Mission statement:- Transportation Services mission is provide toRead MoreGood Consumer Service: Company of Choice1032 Words  | 5 Pagesbusiness the main key is to have good customer service. The standpoint for any salespersons is to how they present themselves in the company. Companies that show extremely good customer service will normally become the company of choice because with good customer service comes with more customers from other companies. With good service support it is the easiest route to success in building a strong company with custom relations. When a customer sees that good service is provided they will most likelyRead MoreThe Art Of Getting Good Service760 Words  | 4 PagesThe art of getting good service When was the last time you walked into a department store and stood at the counter waiting to be waited on? Two sales associates were in clear view, chatting away about their personal lives. Trying to be patient you stood quietly waiting for them to notice you and offer you a helping hand. After a while, you started to think, â€Å"Do they see me, or are they still on break?†â€Å"What’s going on there?†Later, you get annoyed in this situation; will you start off on theRead MoreGood or Bad Customer Service Essay1102 Words  | 5 PagesA large part of being a good service provider is ensuring customer convenience. Study findings show that strong leadership systems focus on customers, motivate employees, and implement their customer service vision. They also focus great attention on gathering the information needed to track customer satisfaction, and employees overall performance. Customer service should be designed and delivered seamlessly from the customers point of view. Customer-driven operations lead to success. DecentralizedRead More Principles of good customer service Essay1011 Words  | 5 PagesPrinciples of good customer service It is very important to give excellent customer service when out in resort working as a rep. customer service can be given by one person or alternatively it can be given out as a team. This is to ensure that the customers get the best from there holiday, and so that they build a rapor with you to gain trust for them to come back time and time again. Seeing the customer happy also benefits you as a rep and gives you good job satisfaction. There are manyRead MoreGood and Bad of Customer Service1142 Words  | 5 Pagespositive and negative customer service experiences. Customer service (ch.1 pg. 6) can be defined as â€Å"The ability of knowledgeable, capable, and enthusiastic employees to deliver products and services to their internal and external customers in a matter that satisfies identified and unidentified needs.†In other words, it is the ability of a company and its employees to supply their customers’ wants and needs. Some organizations have well developed customer services departments, while other are lacking
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How Did Napoleon Become Emperor Free Essays
How did Napoleon become Emperor ‘I was born when Corsica was perishing, 30 000 French men spewed into our shore drowning the throne of liberty in waves of blood’ wrote Napoleon when the French army conquered his home country state of Corsica. Soon after his parents agreed that the impoverished island could give nothing more to their eight children, but only one country could, the one that Napoleon abhorred, France. Carlo, Napoleons father, accepted the overtaking of Corsica and began studying law soon after became a representative of the Corsican Parliament. We will write a custom essay sample on How Did Napoleon Become Emperor or any similar topic only for you Order Now When moved to France, Napoleon at the age of nine was sent to the Royal Military College, where he was to study military strategy for five years. Then at the age of fifteen, he was promoted to the Royal Military Academy in Paris, a highly respected college in France. A year later he starts as a soldier in France’s best artillery squad, but feels unaccomplished because the highest ranks are given to the families of high nobility. But, the French Revolution’s timing opens possibilities to Napoleon that he tough could never of happen, â€Å"to be 20 years old in1789, is very important, Napoleon’s destiny and the destiny of the whole country, become the same. †says Antoine de Baecque. As an artillery Captain at the age of 24, Napoleon was sent to Toulon, where his victory against the British overtaking of the city was an enormous opportunity fro Napoleon the prove himself and rapidly be promoted through the ranks of the French military where there was a vacuum for control cause by the fleeing emigre. Finally Napoleon was promoted. At home the Terror is still going, Napoleon sides with Robespierre’s view that liberty can no survive in France, if the heads of criminals do not roll. â€Å"(Napoleon) hated the terror but he hated chaos even more†, he believed that it was necessary to suspended liberties in the name of liberty. After Robspierre’s death, the Thermidorian assault obligated the government to call on Napoleon, because he was one of the only qualified military leaders still in France, to restore peace in Vendemiaire. We killed a great many of them, now all is quite, I could no be happier†wrote Napoleon to his brother. Finally he was a full general at the age of twenty-six. In less then ten years time he would be emperor of France. Tough his military achievements were key to his popularity and to his visions, luck, propaganda, and social manipulations also played a major role in his path to the top. ‘Great men become great because they have been able to master luck’ said Napoleon, but luck was also to be replaced by genius. In Italy he won multiple battle and obtained the support of the locals in stating that he was freeing them from tyranny and has no problem with the people of Italy only its despots. At this point in time Napoleon won battles after battles and gained moral and economic growth through the spoils of war. But most importantly he sends back propaganda exalting him through his own newspaper, portraits and also art. Napoleon understood that victories were not enough to gain popular popularity so he focused strongly on sending back powerful and extravagant art of him and his victories. The Italian people were getting weary of Napoleons presence since he was still continuously demanding and sending back gold and silver. Moving from Italy to Austria, the Austrians asked to make peace, fearing Napoleons fast pace and unbeatable army, and Napoleon followed the peace agreement personally, enraged form the decline of the Austrian government he shouted ‘this is what will happen to your empire, your empire is like a maid accustomed to being raped by anyone’ simultaneously breaking a porcelain tea set. Finally the Austrians gave in and Napoleon achieved what he wanted. Through this achievement Napoleon saw that his military intelligence was not only limited to battle but to politics. Waiting to go back to France at the right time as an esteemed pioneer and general, Napoleon head to Egypt. There the British fleet sunk Napoleons naval army, the only communication he had back to France. During this dead lock, Napoleon matured and realized he was no invincible. During this time he lead an exposition to decipher the Egyptian past which was a mystery to France. But, back in France his goddess of wife bought a new house and was cheating on Napoleon. His brother sent him a letter telling him this and Napoleon responded by adopting his own Cleopatra. Soon after Turkey declared war on Napoleon. Napoleon after the close victory and thousands of injured and sick men, was too full of pride to admit he was not as victorious as he sent back to France. Adding to his fame and propagandist profession Napoleon was able manipulate words and acts to his favor. Abandoning his army in Egypt Napoleon sets sail fro France to seize the opportunity of his life time, to come home as a hero respected and wanted in the unstable mother land. A coupe was on the rise and Napoleon wanted to be a supporter of this, he believed this was to be an easy transition, but the two classes of the directory had to renew their oath taking hours to complete and Napoleon became impatient and barged in to the meeting place, there he was hated for since it is strictly illegal for outside people to intervene in parliamentary affairs. Shaken Napoleon stuttered over the opportunity of power and Lucien his brother saw this and unsheathed his sword and stated ‘if my brother had any intentions of becoming dictator I’d run him through. Finally the legislators fled and all was over, but later that evening Lucien and his consuls voted that three consuls were to be sworn in, making it legitimate. One of which was Napoleon. Soon Napoleon rewrote the constitution and became head consul, making him the most powerful men in France. Major achievements of Napoleon before he became emperor are: he established a new economy, replacing he curren cy with the Franc, establishing the Bank of France, generalizing and standardizing tax collections, and passing indirect taxation to make France richer. Passed the Concordat, allowing him to control the church in directly through him controlling the priest’s paycheck, owning the church land and integrating Church and State. Establishing his Civil Code which is still France’s basis for government today. Also between 1801-1803 he used military funds to locally improve France through creating jobs for the unemployed and improving the esthetic and moral look of France creating a ‘feel good’ era for France. In total Napoleon is a military genius, foreign policies diplomat, socially accepted and wanted as ruler, reversed the economic path of France and its debt, all before he became emperor. France was content with the position it was in more power no less power given to Napoleon, but royalist were not happy with the path France was on. On a confused plot the assassinate Napoleon the royalist failed to eradicate the main column supporting France at this time. Through this attempted people were set on the idea of crowning Napoleon their emperor to reduce the possibilities of assassination plots. The pope of Rome was invited to the crowning but did not crown Napoleon, he was there only to legitimatize and justify the crowning. In Notre Dame de Paris Napoleon crowned himself on December 2 1804. How to cite How Did Napoleon Become Emperor, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Outline and Evaluate the Working Memory Model free essay sample
The phonological loop (PL) too has a limited capacity and is what deals with auditory information; it is split into two further parts, the phonological store which holds the words you hear, and the articulatory process which is for the words you hear/see and are rehearsed sub-vocally. The visual-spatial sketchpad (VSSP) is the third main component and is used for planning spatial tasks (like walking from one room to another. ) It is also where spatial/visual information is stored temporarily. While visual information is what things look like, spatial information is the relationship between things. Logie (1995) suggested the VSSP can be broken down further into a visual cache and an inner scribe which deals with spatial relations. Additionally, in 2000 the episodic buffer was added by Baddeley because he realised the model needed a general store for things that aren’t specific and dealt with by the PL and VSSP. The episodic buffer integrates information from the central executive, the PL and the VSSP. We will write a custom essay sample on Outline and Evaluate the Working Memory Model or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It too has a limited capacity. As well as being a vast improvement on the simple and flawed Multi-store model by Atkinson and Shiffrin in 1968, there is much evidence to support each of the components in the model. Firstly, Baddeley and Hitch did a ‘Dual Task’ experiment whereby they asked participants to follow a dot on the wall with a light pointer. Simultaneously they were asked to carry out two other tasks: to describe the angles on the letter ‘F’ and to carry out a simple verbal task. While they found the latter task very easy, they found the angle description task difficult. Baddeley and Hitch concluded that this was because the brain could not carry out tasks which occupied the same component (e. g the light pointer and angle description) due to the limited capacity. However, the brain could cope when the tasks involved separate components (e. g. the light pointer involving the VSSP and verbal task involving the PL. ) Additionally, Bunge (2000) found evidence for the Central executive. Using an fMRI scan, Bunge measured brain activity and found that, unsurprisingly, there was more when carrying out a dual-task. This showed that increased attentional demands are reflected in brain activity. Furthermore, evidence for the articulatory process by Baddeley’s ‘Word length effect’ study, shows that long words aren’t remembered as easily as short because they cannot fit into the PL. It also showed that when given an articulatory suppression task, (e. g. repeating ‘the’ over and over again) you cant rehearse the shorter words quickly enough and the word-length effect disappears. Baddeley also found that when participants were shown words and asked to recall them immediately, they did so much better for sentences than for unrelated words which supports the idea of the episodic buffer- an immediate memory store for items that aren’t visual or phonological. Additionally, the case studies of KF and SC support the model. KF had damage to their STM but their LTM was perfectly intact. Furthermore, his short-term forgetting of auditory information was greater than that of visual information which indicates separate audio/visual stores and that his brain damage was restricted to his phonological loop. As for SC, while their learning abilities were good, when given word pairs presented aloud, they could not learn them, again indicating that there are separate stores. However there are weaknesses of this model. While there are many case studies to support it, the case study of LH suggests that even this model is too simple. LH was ok when it came to spatial tasks but not as good at visual tasks suggesting the VSSP should be broken down further. Additionally, Eslinger and Damasio studied a patient called EVR who was good as reasoning tasks but not at problem solving. This suggests that memory is more complex than this model suggests. The central executive is also criticised. It is very vague and doesn’t explain anything, the function seems to be the same as ‘attention. Finally, the fact that much of the supporting evidence for the WMM comes from case studies must be addressed; case studies are individual cases and therefore cannot be generalised to the wider population. Similarly, cause and effect can’t be distinguished as you can’t make before and after comparisons- it’s unclear as to whether the problems are caused by damage or not. And additionally, the p rocess of brain injury is traumatic; it may be that the trauma of KF’s motorcycle accident is what altered behaviour not the anatomical changes to his brain. Outline and evaluate the working memory model free essay sample Baddeley and Hitch (1974) developed an alternative model of short-term memory which they called the working memory model. The working memory model consists of four components. The central executive which controls and co-ordinates the operation of two subsystems, the phonological loop and the visuo-spatial sketchpad. The central executive controls attention and coordinates the actions of the other components, it can briefly store information, but has a limited capacity. The phonological loop consists of two parts, the articulatory control system and the phonological store. The articulatory control system (the inner voice) where information is rehearsed sub vocally and has a capacity of about 2 seconds. The phonological store (the inner ear) stores information in speech-based form, the speech input is held for a brief duration. The third component, the visuo-spatial sketchpad, mentally manipulates images and space, for example it is used when a person imagines the encodes visual information in terms of separate objects as well as the arrangement of these objects in ones visual field. We will write a custom essay sample on Outline and evaluate the working memory model or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The final component, episodic buffer, receives input from many sources, temporarily stores this information, and then puts them together in order to construct a mental episode of what is being experienced right now. The evidence of the existence of the working memory model offers a better account than the STM component of the multi-store memory model. This is because it moves from describing immediate memory as a unitary store to one with a number of components. The working memory model does not over emphasize the importance of rehearsal for STM retention, in contrast to the multi-store model. It is an optional process rather than the only means by which information is kept in immediate memory. The working memory model also explains many psychological observations. The KF case study supports the Working Memory Model. KF suffered brain damage from a motorcycle accident that damaged his short-term memory. KFs impairment was mainly for verbal information his memory for visual information was largely unaffected. This shows that there are separate STM components for visual information (visuo-spatial sketchpad) and verbal information (phonological loop). However, there are also arguments to suggest weaknesses of the working memory model. The main limitation is the lack of evidence for the central executive, some psychologists believe it is too vague. Critics also feel that the notion of a single central executive is wrong and that there are probably several components. This could make the working memory model appear reductionist because it has only been described as being unitary and over simplified. From this, it could be suggested that it is lacking in detail and is not fully reliable. Finally, much of the supporting evidence for this model comes from the study of brain-damaged individuals, where it is impossible to make before and after comparisons, so it is not clear whether changes in behaviour is caused by the damage. Finally, the process of brain injury is traumatic, which may in itself change behaviour. These factors limit the validity of any conclusions drawn.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
The Other Side of Truth Essays
The Other Side of Truth Essays The Other Side of Truth Essay The Other Side of Truth Essay ‘The Other Side of Truth’ is a novel written by author, Beverly Naidoo. The novel is mainly based on telling the truth and lying, and when it is right to do either. In the book are various types of situations where characters need to make a decision on whether to lie or to tell the truth. Beverly Naidoo provides the correct decisions and the wrong ones in the story. Naidoo shows in the novel, when it is ok to lie and when it is not. Naidoo suggests that if your life is in danger it is considered ok to lie, but if you assume your life is still in danger when it’s actually not you might accidently lie to the wrong people. Naidoo displays this when Sade and Femi find the father in a detention centre and ask him why he is not able to come back home with them. Folarin says that he cannot because Sade lied about who they were to the officials. Now the officials do not believe Folarin when he says that they are his kids. There is a strong message that sometimes one lie is ok in the right circumstances, but consecutive lies could end you up in a lot of trouble. An important quote from the book states this idea, â€Å"A lie has seven winding path, the truth has one straight road. pg. 148. Lying could be a very dangerous thing, telling the truth is the best way to go, but even the truth can land you in trouble. The truth is a very powerful thing, it is important that you tell it, this is portrayed by Naidoo in her novel. Naidoo has based the whole novel around the truth. In the story it is used when it should and shouldn’t be. Folarin Solaja is the main protagonist in the novel when it comes to the im portance of telling the truth. He states several quotes about how important in his mind, it is to tell the truth.
Monday, March 2, 2020
Save Me the Waltz (1932) by Zelda Fitzgerald
Save Me the Waltz (1932) by Zelda Fitzgerald Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald was the troubled wife of F. Scott Fitzgerald, one of the most famous American writers of all-time. Save Me the Waltz is her first and only novel, one which is largely autobiographical and which covers approximately the same time period as her husband’s masterpiece, Tender is the Night (1934). Both books fictionalize the couples life in Paris together, but each from their own perspective. While Tender is the Night deals with F. Scott’s attempt at handling his wife’s eccentric nature and ultimate mental breakdown, Save Me the Waltz is much more about Zelda’s hopes and dreams and her sense of being overshadowed in most regards by her husband’s great success. Zelda Fitzgerald was considered to be one of the first American â€Å"Flappers†– a glamorous and materialistic woman whose greatest hope was to become a prima ballerina, though she only pursued dance late in life. The story itself is interesting in that it reveals Zelda’s perspective on F. Scott as well as her interpretation of that great American time period known as â€Å"The Roaring ‘20s.†The majority of the characters, aside from Alabama (Zelda), David (F. Scott) and Bonnie (their daughter) are relatively flat and, at times, even incongruous (characters’ names spelled in different fashions, eye colors changing, etc.). What Fitzgerald does well, though, is to create characters in relation to Alabama. The dance instructors and love interests, for example, all come to life quite unexpectedly because of the way they interact with Alabama. The relationship between David and Alabama is drawn extraordinarily well and, in fact, is reminiscent of the lovers’ relationship in Ernest Hemingway’s (1946, 1986). Theirs is a tortuously romantic bond, hopeless and beautiful at the same time. It makes sense that this would be the most aptly developed relationship, considering it is at the core of the story (and the primary impetus for Zelda’s writing the story in the first place). Little Bonnie’s character is also quite charming and her relationship with her Dad is lovely, particularly near the end. This book has been both praised and derided for its prose and style. The structure is sound and relatively traditional; however, the prose and language are quite odd. At times, it seems to read like a less sexual, female version of William S. Burroughs; the narrative breaks into vivid streams of consciousness, where one has to wonder if passages were written in a fury of rage. While these moments are sometimes over-the-top, even inexplicable or irrelevant, they are also quite beautiful. There’s a bizarre honesty to the breaks in tempo and the seemingly random items which Fitzgerald chooses to romanticize through language. Some readers are bound to be enamored by this style, but others might find the self-indulgent moments both distracting and exasperating. When Zelda Fitzgerald originally wrote this book, it was much more accusatory and biographical than the version which was ultimately published. Her husband believed that she had created the book in a fit of self-destruction, hoping to destroy her (and his) reputations. F. Scott Fitzgerald and their editor, Max Perkins, â€Å"assisted†Zelda with revisions. Although historical evidence (letters, manuscripts, etc.) seem to prove that their part in the revision process was limited and mostly geared toward making elements and characters who were modeled after real-life events and individuals more obscure, Zelda would later accuse her husband of forcing her to change the book entirely and also allege that he stole her original manuscript to write his own (Tender is the Night). Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of this book, then, is in its history and historical significance. Much can be learned about the Fitzgerald’s relationship and personalities not only by reading the story, but also in researching the history and creation of the book itself, as well as her husbands similarly-themed novel.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Case Study Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2
Case Study Analysis - Essay Example For a long time, public administration has reluctantly been viewed as a science by several other disciplines. Perhaps, this is attributable to the idea that public administration theories rely on other disciplines in predicting and explaining relationships among elements articulated in its administrative functions. Nevertheless, public administration system entails studying human beings in an organizational setting, but which operates in a political environment (Rabin et al 2006). In this regard, public administration theory is derived from other disciplines, but studied as a single entity due to its unique traits of enjoining different dynamics to have an effective administration. In a broader sense, public administration is explained by two theories; universal design theory and situational design theory (Farazmand, 2001). In universal design theory, scientific management, classical and bureaucratic theories explains the structuring the public administration. Situational theory deno tes on the human aspect of the organization. Common theories that emphasize on this theory include behavioral approach, system approach and human relations theory among others. In the United States, the public administration can be argued to have utilized theories of public administration effectively. However, Milakovich & Gordon (2012) argued that it is indispensable for the public administration to consider exploring all available ways of bridging the existing gaps. For instance, with the increase in the number of migrants in the United States, the department of homeland security has been face with the challenge of controlling foreigners streaming to the United States. Going by the scientific management theory, Fredrick Winslow Taylor emphasized on the need to have social prosperity between the workers and the management. This aims at developing science of each element of man’s work and
Sunday, February 2, 2020
COURSEWORK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
COURSEWORK - Essay Example Counseling can help if used early on. Above all, a teenager that is thinking of suicide just needs someone there for them and is ready to listen. 2. No, I do not believe that information on the Internet about how to synthesize drugs at home should be blocked or censored. The Internet is a platform that should provide free and fair knowledge for everyone. We live in a democracy, so the government should not have the power to censor the Internet. I do believe, however, that people should not try to synthesize drugs at home after checking on the Internet. Not only can information on the Internet prove unreliable, but synthesis is a very complex process that should only be carried out in a safe environment. 3. The clinical features of bipolar I disorder are when someone experiences manic, depressed, and well phases. This differs from bipolar II disorder, where the person does not experience any manic phases. Many experts believe that bipolar I disorder results from genetics factors. Life experiences are not thought to be a cause of bipolar disorders, but they can be a trigger that sets someone off. Mood stabilizers are often used to treat someone who has bipolar disorder, but therapy techniques can also be used in conjunction with drugs. 4. The four different types of people who abuse CNS depressants are those who (1) take drugs to decrease persistent stress, (2) experience jubilation and stimulation, (3) take depressants to counter the negative effects of other drugs, and (4) mix depressants with alcohol and drugs to increase the effects. The first group often attempts to mask their problems by getting clinicians to administer depressants. The second group becomes immune to the negative side effects of depressants and instead feels elated. The third group tries to combat negative side effects of other drugs through the use of depressants. The last group wants to increase the feeling that they get from mixing alcohol and drugs with depressantsâ€â€combining
Saturday, January 25, 2020
An Overview of the Rare Disease Known as Kabuki Syndrome Essay
An Overview of the Rare Disease Known as Kabuki Syndrome As I look to graduate, I become increasingly aware that I have my entire life to look forward to. Even though I will have struggles throughout my life, I still have my well being to fall back on. When all else fails, I am and hopefully always will be self-assured that I am here, healthy and able to bring myself through the worst of circumstances. This realization and knowledge has presented itself in the most realistic way just within the past three years, while I continually helped disabled children learn various life skills. In these three years, my attention was unforgivably snagged by one child, Damion, who seemed to have an unfathomable web of trials and difficulties in his fragile little life. On an undying attempt to learn more about this child, I started working with him one-on-one and with his therapists and teachers. I soon came to realize that Damion had moderate to severe learning disabilities, speech impediments, fine (small muscles) and gross (large muscles) motor problems and sensory difficulties. His previous doctors considered Kabuki Syndrome, an extremely rare disease that is terribly difficult to diagnose, as a possible diagnosis. Even though Damion doesn't posses most of the characteristics accompanying Kabuki Syndrome, he may still have it. What would it take to diagnose him with the rare disease? Could Damion even be considered a Kabuki patient with only minor implications? Through this paper, answers to these pending questions will be portrayed, and the reader will gain a real understanding of what is currently known about Kabuki Syndrome. Two doctors from Japan, Dr. Niikawa and Dr. Kuroki first discovered Kabuki Syndrome in 1980 ("Kabuk... .... MedicineNet. Retrieved March 25, 2002 from the World Wide Web: Mhanni, A., & Chudley, A. (1999) . Genetic landmarks through philately &endash; Kabuki theater and Kabuki syndrome. In A. Chudley (Ed.) , Clinical Genetics (pp. 116-117) . Ireland: Munksgaard. Mhanni, A., Cross, H., & Chudley, A. (1999) . Kabuki syndrome: description of dental findings in 8 patients. Clinical Genetics (pp. 154-157) . Ireland: Munksgaard. Olney, A., Schaefer, G., & Kolodziej, P. (1998, September) . Kabuki syndrome. Ear, Nose and Throat Journal. Retrieved March 15, 2002 from the World Wide Web: http:/ An overview of kabuki syndrome. Geocities. Retrieved March 15, 2002 from the World Wide Web: An Overview of the Rare Disease Known as Kabuki Syndrome Essay An Overview of the Rare Disease Known as Kabuki Syndrome As I look to graduate, I become increasingly aware that I have my entire life to look forward to. Even though I will have struggles throughout my life, I still have my well being to fall back on. When all else fails, I am and hopefully always will be self-assured that I am here, healthy and able to bring myself through the worst of circumstances. This realization and knowledge has presented itself in the most realistic way just within the past three years, while I continually helped disabled children learn various life skills. In these three years, my attention was unforgivably snagged by one child, Damion, who seemed to have an unfathomable web of trials and difficulties in his fragile little life. On an undying attempt to learn more about this child, I started working with him one-on-one and with his therapists and teachers. I soon came to realize that Damion had moderate to severe learning disabilities, speech impediments, fine (small muscles) and gross (large muscles) motor problems and sensory difficulties. His previous doctors considered Kabuki Syndrome, an extremely rare disease that is terribly difficult to diagnose, as a possible diagnosis. Even though Damion doesn't posses most of the characteristics accompanying Kabuki Syndrome, he may still have it. What would it take to diagnose him with the rare disease? Could Damion even be considered a Kabuki patient with only minor implications? Through this paper, answers to these pending questions will be portrayed, and the reader will gain a real understanding of what is currently known about Kabuki Syndrome. Two doctors from Japan, Dr. Niikawa and Dr. Kuroki first discovered Kabuki Syndrome in 1980 ("Kabuk... .... MedicineNet. Retrieved March 25, 2002 from the World Wide Web: Mhanni, A., & Chudley, A. (1999) . Genetic landmarks through philately &endash; Kabuki theater and Kabuki syndrome. In A. Chudley (Ed.) , Clinical Genetics (pp. 116-117) . Ireland: Munksgaard. Mhanni, A., Cross, H., & Chudley, A. (1999) . Kabuki syndrome: description of dental findings in 8 patients. Clinical Genetics (pp. 154-157) . Ireland: Munksgaard. Olney, A., Schaefer, G., & Kolodziej, P. (1998, September) . Kabuki syndrome. Ear, Nose and Throat Journal. Retrieved March 15, 2002 from the World Wide Web: http:/ An overview of kabuki syndrome. Geocities. Retrieved March 15, 2002 from the World Wide Web:
Friday, January 17, 2020
Environment Day Essay
It gives me great pleasure to address you on this World Environment Day 2014. World Environment Day is commemorated worldwide each year under the direction of the United Nations to heighten public awareness of the environment. In recent times, the need to promote more earth friendly practices in order to maintain the health of our planet has come to the forefront, as world nations struggle to reverse the present trend of climate change. The World Environment Day is a reminder to show our gratefulness to Mother Nature, which sustains all forms of life. This is the day to focus our thoughts and our energies to make collective efforts towards protecting the environment. India has rich traditional knowledge and wisdom in the conservation of nature and natural resources. Religious beliefs, culture and folklore have together treated nature and environment with sanctity. Conservation and protection of environment and love for nature have always been part and parcel of Indian ethos and cultu re. Thank you all. Have a nice day. It gives me great pleasure to address you on this World Environment Day 2014. World Environment Day is commemorated worldwide each year under the direction of the United Nations to heighten public awareness of the environment. In recent times, the need to promote more earth friendly practices in order to maintain the health of our planet has come to the forefront, as world nations struggle to reverse the present trend of climate change. The World Environment Day is a reminder to show our gratefulness to Mother Nature, which sustains all forms of life. This is the day to focus our thoughts and our energies to make collective efforts towards protecting the environment. India has rich traditional knowledge and wisdom in the conservation of nature and natural resources. Religious beliefs, culture and folklore have together treated nature and environment with sanctity. Conservation and protection of environment and love for nature have always been part and parcel of Indian ethos and cultu re. Thank you all. Have a nice day. It gives me great pleasure to address you on this World Environment Day 2014. World Environment Day is commemorated worldwide each year under the direction of the United Nations to heighten public awareness of the environment. In recent times, the need to promote more earth friendly practices in order to maintain the health of our planet has come to the forefront, as world nations struggle to reverse the present trend of climate change. The World Environment Day is a reminder to show our gratefulness to Mother Nature, which sustains all forms of life. This is the day to focus our thoughts and our energies to make collective efforts towards protecting the environment. India has rich traditional knowledge and wisdom in the conservation of nature and natural resources. Religious beliefs, culture and folklore have together treated nature and environment with sanctity. Conservation and protection of environment and love for nature have always been part and parcel of Indian ethos and cu lture. Thank you all. Have a nice day.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Drugs And Alcohol Abuse By Erik Fisher - 980 Words
I attended a school event in which Erik Fisher, a former drug abuse came to talk about is experience with drugs and alcohol with regards to college. He started off by talking about how even while in high school he struggled with the use of drugs and alcohol. His first year in college he was able to play college basketball at a division 2 school. After the first few months past, he found friends that partied and did drugs. He started to handout with that crowd and began to skip class and eventually fail most of his classes. This was a reoccurring cycle that happened many times. He went to many different colleges to play basketball but would not give up the drug and alcohol use. While he was in California playing for a college basketball team, he became suicidal. One night he decided that he was going to take so many pills, that he wouldn’t wake up in the morning. However, he woke up by a train track wanting to run in front of a train. He looked at his wallet and saw a picture of his baby brother and that is when he decided to get help. That was the first time that he decided to speak to a counselor and stay sober. However, that did not last long, he found himself going down the same downward spiral. This time, the spiral was even worse, he hit a car head on going 70 miles an hour, killing the other driving immediately. He woke up in the hospital and decided it was time to take responsibility for everything. He spends three years in prison and other year in boot camp. HeShow MoreRelatedThe General Theory Of Crime2462 Words  | 10 Pagesresponse of ‘uncertain’ is worth two points. The sum of the item scores is gathered with higher scores denoting lower self-control. Results found that levels of self-control were statistically associated with criminal victimization. In another study, Erik Stewart, Kirk Elifson, and Claire Sterk (2004) examined violent victimization among African American female offenders. Their findings supported the relati onship, thereby suggesting a link between low self-control and violent victimization can be observedRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesnadir of recorded human history provided much of the impetus for a worldwide resurgence of human rights activism, agitation, and legislation that came to be centered in the United Nations after 1945. The two global wars that generated the myriad abuses of human rights, while also unleashing potent forces for the liberation of women and colonized peoples more generally, are analyzed in considerable detail in John Morrow’s wide-ranging essay on the causes, experience, and impact of mechanized warfareRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 PagesIntroduction to Management Science: A Modeling and Case Studies Approach with Spreadsheets, Fourth Edition Stevenson and Ozgur, Introduction to Management Science with Spreadsheets, First Edition Project Management The Managerial Process Fifth Edition Erik W. Larson Oregon State University Clifford F. Gray Oregon State University PROJECT MANAGEMENT: THE MANAGERIAL PROCESS Published by McGraw-Hill/Irwin, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York
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