Friday, May 22, 2020
I Am A Sign Of Bipolar Disorder - 2137 Words
A shift in mood can be a detrimental occurrence for someone. Sometimes they don’t even understand why or how to control it. Mood swings, shifting from a manic state to a depressive state, is considered to be a sign of Bipolar Disorder 1. Bipolar disorder 1 is the tendency of manic episodes to alternate with major depressive episodes in an unending roller coaster ride from peaks of elation to the depths of despair (Barlow; Durand, 2015). It affects people s moods, energy and ability to think clearly, negatively hindering that persons relationship with their peers, ability to work, get an education, and function normally with a balanced mood (Bipolar Disorder,n.d). Bradley Cooper plays a middle-aged man, Patrick Solitano, who suffers from Bipolar Disorder in the movieSilver Linings Playbook. Pat went through many obstacles after a trigger set him off into a rage that landed him at a mental institution for eight months. He spent his life thinking that he just has a short fuse lik e his father, but later into his adulthood he was diagnosed as an undiagnosed Bipolar until later events recognized his disorder as Bipolar Disorder 1. Pat’s life events that occur throughout the movie highlight how severe and dramatizing the disorder can be when unrecognized. In the film, Pats ending may have been a happy one, but for most Bipolar Disorder patients, it is a stressful long-term illness that is extremely difficult to correct. Part A: Bipolar Disorder 1 symptoms can be recognizedShow MoreRelatedBipolar Disorder And Its Stages1296 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Do you know what Bipolar Disorder is and its stages? Do you know who Bipolar Disorder affects and what causes the disorder to form? Do you know the symptoms and treatments individuals with this disorder can use? First, I will be discussing what Bipolar Disorder is and its stages. Next, I will be discussing the cause and who Bipolar Disorder affects. Finally, I will be discussing the various signs and symptoms to diagnose individuals with Bipolar Disorder and the treatment options thatRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder1397 Words  | 6 Pagestime. Bipolar disorder has two moods, the manic phase, and the depressive phase. It is a brain disorder where you never know which one is going to show up for and other people will deal with for the day, or maybe even weeks. Bipolar disorder is a serious condition that can be harmful to the person who is dealing with the brain disorder but as well as, those people who are involved in the person’s life. It is very hard to diagnose someone with a bipolar disorder, but what is bipolar disorder? â€Å"BipolarRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder1472 Words  | 6 Pagestime. Bipolar disorder has two different moods, the manic phase and the depressive phase. It is a brain disorder where you never know which one is going to show up for other people to deal with for the day, or maybe even weeks. Bipolar is a serious condition that can be harmful to the person who is dealing with the brain disorder, but as well as, for those people who are involved in the person’s life. It is very hard to diagnose someone with a bipolar, but what is a bipolar disorder? â€Å"Bipolar disorderRead MoreBipolar Disorder : Bipolar And Depression1461 Words  | 6 PagesIn general, having Bipolar Disorder is like living at your best and you are worst and having no control over it. People may refer to bipolar are manic depressive disorder, this is due to for the individuals having periods of mania, and periods of depression. Bipolar is derived from having two moods, hence mania and depression. Mania is a period of energy, individuals will feel energized, on top of the world and may even experience sleep deprivation. Sometime later, the energy goes away, and depressionRead MoreBipolar Disorder : Bipolar And Depression1461 Words  | 6 PagesIn general, having Bipolar Disorder is like living at your best and you are worst and having no control over it. People may refer to bipolar are manic depressive disorder, this is due to for the individuals having periods of mania, and periods of depression. Bipolar is derived from having two moods, hence mania and depression. Mania is a period of energy, individuals will feel energized, on top of the world and may even experience sleep deprivation. Sometime later, the energy goes away, and depressionRead MoreBipolar And The Bipolar Disorder1247 Words  | 5 PagesBipolar is a disorder that has a severe impact on everyone that is around the person diagnosed. While the individual may suffer from the disorder the most, others are right there with them. As of yet most scientists tend to agree that there’s no single cause for the bipolar disorder to form in an individual. There are many different types of bipolar and each type has different symptoms. Bipolar disorder most commonly develops in a person’s early adult or late teen years. According to the articleRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Mental Health934 Words  | 4 Pages Bipolar Disorder is otherwise known as manic-depressive illness. It is a brain disorder that causes shifts in moods, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out daily tasks. (Cite) These changes in behavior are outside of the norm as most people have ups and downs throughout their daily routines. But those with Bipolar Disorder experience shifts in mood that can be damaging to relationships, as well as their overall school and work performances. (Cite) I chose this disorder as the topicRead MoreThe Effects Of Bipolar Disorder On Adolescents1275 Words  | 6 Pagesthat these signs and symptoms, when more prominent, disruptive, and longer-lasting, can be indications of bipolar disorder. This may come as a surprise to many, as bipolar disorder has often been thought of as a condition that affects adults. This neurobiological disorder severely affects approximately 5.5 million Americans age 18 or older, or 2.6% of the adult population. An estimated 51% of individuals with this condition are untreated in any given year. On the contrary, bipolar disorder also affectsRead MoreBipolar Disorder : A Diagnosis On The Rise1720 Words  | 7 PagesAutumn Leja December 8, 2014 Essay 3 Bipolar Disorder: a Diagnosis on the Rise            Before researching this topic, I used to think that Bipolar Disorder was a very rare mental illness and in most cases, a misdiagnoses. There are many misconceptions about Bipolar Disorder and mental illness as a whole. Bipolar Disorder has become an epidemic in America and affects nearly everyone in some way. The term Bipolar is increasingly being misused to describe someone having a bad day or being excessivelyRead MoreAnalysis Of Bipolar Disorder In The Fall Of The House Of Usher1536 Words  | 7 Pagesduring the 1800s, have suffered from psychological disorders including bipolar disorder. Edgar Allan Poe was one of many who were diagnosed with this disorder, and it is prevalent in many of his works. The Fall of the House of Usher by Poe clearly depicts the symptoms of bipolar disorder, and he translates his feelings on the topic as well. Through the use of Roderick Usher and his sister, Madeline, Poe depicts the transference of bipol ar disorder within a family, and more specifically with twins
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Goods Services - 1178 Words
Homework #2: Goods, Services, and Operations Management Written By: Tamara Ellis Prof. Samuel A. Garwon MGMT 480 – 002 March 6, 2013 1. Explain why a bank teller, nurse, or flight attendant must have service management skills. How do the required skills differ for someone working in a factory? What are the implications for hiring criteria and training? Service-providers need technical/operations skills plus human interaction and marketing skills. A bank teller, for example, must be able to complete many types of financial transactions and operate the computer and associated software. The teller must also interact with the customer in a pleasant way, be in a location convenient to customers and market other financial services†¦show more content†¦She tells us to wait for our number to be called. After 30 minutes of waiting, our number had still not been called, and the last number called was 36 (6 people ahead of us). She had now exceeded the approximately waiting time and had not given us an update since, I once again asked the waiting time and she then said 15 to 20 minutes. This was an outrage to my family and me because that would make it a total of about an hour before we would be seated and this was far more than we originally anticipated. We explained to the hostess that if we had known it would be an approximately a n hour wait from the beginning we could have possibly made other arrangements to another restaurant. I believe the organization could have handled this much better by: having an accurate approx. waiting time, better customer service, upgraded technology, active managers, and ample amount of busboys and waiter/waitress for their busy nights. In this particular situation, operations management would have helped by forecasting: considering the time and day of operation, and setting forth plans for either a busy or slow day. Using supply chain management: by calling enough workers in to work. Technology Selection: by investing in a screen-touch seating application and/or waiting devices that ring or vibrate the time of their seating. Also by determining the best employees for each position and providing the best types of customer’s needs. 5. Interview a working friend or familyShow MoreRelatedThe Price Of Goods And Services935 Words  | 4 PagesThe way companies price their goods and services depends heavily on many different factors. Throughout human history, goods and servi ces have always had intrinsic value to people, and in our day and age this is no different. Shopping, however, has changed quite a bit due to many different reasons. Prices of goods and services are now changed by companies based on psychology, supply and demand, and government influences to adapt themselves to the modern world. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How Did Napoleon Become Emperor Free Essays
How did Napoleon become Emperor ‘I was born when Corsica was perishing, 30 000 French men spewed into our shore drowning the throne of liberty in waves of blood’ wrote Napoleon when the French army conquered his home country state of Corsica. Soon after his parents agreed that the impoverished island could give nothing more to their eight children, but only one country could, the one that Napoleon abhorred, France. Carlo, Napoleons father, accepted the overtaking of Corsica and began studying law soon after became a representative of the Corsican Parliament. We will write a custom essay sample on How Did Napoleon Become Emperor or any similar topic only for you Order Now When moved to France, Napoleon at the age of nine was sent to the Royal Military College, where he was to study military strategy for five years. Then at the age of fifteen, he was promoted to the Royal Military Academy in Paris, a highly respected college in France. A year later he starts as a soldier in France’s best artillery squad, but feels unaccomplished because the highest ranks are given to the families of high nobility. But, the French Revolution’s timing opens possibilities to Napoleon that he tough could never of happen, â€Å"to be 20 years old in1789, is very important, Napoleon’s destiny and the destiny of the whole country, become the same. †says Antoine de Baecque. As an artillery Captain at the age of 24, Napoleon was sent to Toulon, where his victory against the British overtaking of the city was an enormous opportunity fro Napoleon the prove himself and rapidly be promoted through the ranks of the French military where there was a vacuum for control cause by the fleeing emigre. Finally Napoleon was promoted. At home the Terror is still going, Napoleon sides with Robespierre’s view that liberty can no survive in France, if the heads of criminals do not roll. â€Å"(Napoleon) hated the terror but he hated chaos even more†, he believed that it was necessary to suspended liberties in the name of liberty. After Robspierre’s death, the Thermidorian assault obligated the government to call on Napoleon, because he was one of the only qualified military leaders still in France, to restore peace in Vendemiaire. We killed a great many of them, now all is quite, I could no be happier†wrote Napoleon to his brother. Finally he was a full general at the age of twenty-six. In less then ten years time he would be emperor of France. Tough his military achievements were key to his popularity and to his visions, luck, propaganda, and social manipulations also played a major role in his path to the top. ‘Great men become great because they have been able to master luck’ said Napoleon, but luck was also to be replaced by genius. In Italy he won multiple battle and obtained the support of the locals in stating that he was freeing them from tyranny and has no problem with the people of Italy only its despots. At this point in time Napoleon won battles after battles and gained moral and economic growth through the spoils of war. But most importantly he sends back propaganda exalting him through his own newspaper, portraits and also art. Napoleon understood that victories were not enough to gain popular popularity so he focused strongly on sending back powerful and extravagant art of him and his victories. The Italian people were getting weary of Napoleons presence since he was still continuously demanding and sending back gold and silver. Moving from Italy to Austria, the Austrians asked to make peace, fearing Napoleons fast pace and unbeatable army, and Napoleon followed the peace agreement personally, enraged form the decline of the Austrian government he shouted ‘this is what will happen to your empire, your empire is like a maid accustomed to being raped by anyone’ simultaneously breaking a porcelain tea set. Finally the Austrians gave in and Napoleon achieved what he wanted. Through this achievement Napoleon saw that his military intelligence was not only limited to battle but to politics. Waiting to go back to France at the right time as an esteemed pioneer and general, Napoleon head to Egypt. There the British fleet sunk Napoleons naval army, the only communication he had back to France. During this dead lock, Napoleon matured and realized he was no invincible. During this time he lead an exposition to decipher the Egyptian past which was a mystery to France. But, back in France his goddess of wife bought a new house and was cheating on Napoleon. His brother sent him a letter telling him this and Napoleon responded by adopting his own Cleopatra. Soon after Turkey declared war on Napoleon. Napoleon after the close victory and thousands of injured and sick men, was too full of pride to admit he was not as victorious as he sent back to France. Adding to his fame and propagandist profession Napoleon was able manipulate words and acts to his favor. Abandoning his army in Egypt Napoleon sets sail fro France to seize the opportunity of his life time, to come home as a hero respected and wanted in the unstable mother land. A coupe was on the rise and Napoleon wanted to be a supporter of this, he believed this was to be an easy transition, but the two classes of the directory had to renew their oath taking hours to complete and Napoleon became impatient and barged in to the meeting place, there he was hated for since it is strictly illegal for outside people to intervene in parliamentary affairs. Shaken Napoleon stuttered over the opportunity of power and Lucien his brother saw this and unsheathed his sword and stated ‘if my brother had any intentions of becoming dictator I’d run him through. Finally the legislators fled and all was over, but later that evening Lucien and his consuls voted that three consuls were to be sworn in, making it legitimate. One of which was Napoleon. Soon Napoleon rewrote the constitution and became head consul, making him the most powerful men in France. Major achievements of Napoleon before he became emperor are: he established a new economy, replacing he curren cy with the Franc, establishing the Bank of France, generalizing and standardizing tax collections, and passing indirect taxation to make France richer. Passed the Concordat, allowing him to control the church in directly through him controlling the priest’s paycheck, owning the church land and integrating Church and State. Establishing his Civil Code which is still France’s basis for government today. Also between 1801-1803 he used military funds to locally improve France through creating jobs for the unemployed and improving the esthetic and moral look of France creating a ‘feel good’ era for France. In total Napoleon is a military genius, foreign policies diplomat, socially accepted and wanted as ruler, reversed the economic path of France and its debt, all before he became emperor. France was content with the position it was in more power no less power given to Napoleon, but royalist were not happy with the path France was on. On a confused plot the assassinate Napoleon the royalist failed to eradicate the main column supporting France at this time. Through this attempted people were set on the idea of crowning Napoleon their emperor to reduce the possibilities of assassination plots. The pope of Rome was invited to the crowning but did not crown Napoleon, he was there only to legitimatize and justify the crowning. In Notre Dame de Paris Napoleon crowned himself on December 2 1804. How to cite How Did Napoleon Become Emperor, Essay examples
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